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Pros, Cons, and Everything In-Between Outsourcing to Software Houses

Have you ever wondered how businesses bring their innovative software ideas to life? Or how old business catches up with the modern world? 

It’s not just about having a great concept – the process behind turning those ideas into reality is intricate and vital. But sometimes they do not have the necessary resources.

This is where the concept of outsourcing to software houses comes into play. Imagine partnering with teams of experts dedicated to bringing your software dreams to fruition.

Smooets, as one of the programmer outsourcing companies and software houses in Indonesia, has collaborated with numerous companies, gaining insights into the pros and cons of software outsourcing. 

Now we’ll discuss these aspects in detail, starting with why you should consider it.

Pros (aka why you should)

  1. Access to specialized expertise
    The most common reason why many companies do outsourcing is to have the right people working on their project.When outsourcing to a software house, you do not have just access to a team of regular software developers, but a team of specialized experts that have worked with various clients across industries and projects.
  2. Cost-effectiveness and budget optimization
    At first glance, the cost of creating softwares at a software house can seem expensive. In reality, that cost is nothing compared to in-house development cost, where you hire, train, and manage your own team.Avoiding overhead costs is the best option if your budget is limited.

    Outsourcing companies like Smooets can easily contribute to your project’s budget predictability and control using our past experiences and looking at how we work.

Pros, Cons, and Everything In-Between Outsourcing to Software Houses - Pros

Cons (aka possible considerations)

  1. Possible communication challenges
    This usually happens when you’re working with an overseas software company. Challenges such as time zone/working time are usually expected but not impossible to overcome. Another challenge that you may encounter if working with an overseas partner is the language barrier. 

    Two of these challenges can be mitigated by extensive communications throughout the project. 

    For example, one thing we always do to mitigate communication challenges is comprehensive sprint planning, estimating the what, when, who, and how of the project. When details like these are in place, many unnecessary conversations can be avoided.

  2. Loss of direct control
    When you entrusted your project to a software house like us, it is normal to lose some kind of control over the project because now the responsibility is in our hands.Past the project requirements step where clients have the most control, it is the software house responsibility to oversee and work on the whole project.

    You may have feedback or get involved during tests, but there should be balance between what clients think is best vs what the software house thinks is best for the project.

Nuances, and everything in between

  1. Tailored solutions and customization
    When it comes to outsourcing to software houses, one of the standout benefits lies in the realm of tailored solutions and customization. Think of it as a collaboration that goes beyond the generic. Working closely with software houses allows businesses to create software that fits their exact needs, like a perfectly tailored suit. These houses bring their expertise to the table, ensuring that the software aligns with your unique requirements.
  2. Project scope flexibility and scalability
    Software projects are like living entities – they can evolve and grow over time. This is where the flexibility and scalability of outsourcing to software houses shine. Imagine having the ability to adapt to changing project requirements without the headaches. Software houses offer that very advantage. They can adjust the project’s scope as needed, accommodating shifts in direction or new priorities, in exchange of time or money of course.

    This means your software stays agile, capable of meeting dynamic demands. The result? A project that not only survives but thrives in the face of change.

Evaluating the specific needs and goals of your project

Pros, Cons, and Everything In-Between Outsourcing to Software Houses - Evaluating

Picture this: your project is a puzzle, and each piece represents a specific need and goal. When considering outsourcing to software houses, the first step is to thoroughly evaluate these pieces. What are your project’s objectives? What challenges are you trying to address?.

By understanding your project’s unique landscape, you’re equipped with the insights needed to make the best outsourcing decision.

Delving deeper, consider the requirements. Do you need expertise in a particular programming language or technology? Are there specific functionalities that require specialized skills?.

These details matter greatly in aligning the software house’s capabilities with your project’s requirements. By deciphering this puzzle, you’re setting the baseline for a successful partnership that mirrors your goals and aspirations.


As we conclude our exploration into the brief topic of outsourcing to software houses, one thing becomes evident: informed decision-making is the compass that guides businesses on this journey. 

The dynamic interplay of pros, cons, and the intricate details in-between highlights the importance of thorough communication. By understanding the specialized expertise, the potential communication challenges, and the scope adaptability, businesses as yourself can collaborate on this path with confidence. 

Want to know more about software houses or outsourcing? Or just want to straight collaborate with one? Let’s talk about it here.

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